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Are you house-hunting? Here are some “don’t” tips that may be helpful:

Here are some home shopping tips that may be useful to you:

  • Stick with one REALTOR!
    • Your real estate agent is the perfect person to show you homes. You’ve already established a relationship with your agent; who better to help you on your journey of finding a new home?
  • Don’t just pick up the phone, call the number on the sign, and go by yourself
    • Let your real estate agent do their job! If you drive by an interesting property your agent hasn’t mentioned to you, call your agent with the property address and let them research the asking price and property details for you.
  • Don’t plan something for two hours after you are scheduled to tour a home
    • You don’t want to rush; you want to linger if necessary. Plus, if you find a home you really like, you might spend more time there. If you factor in drive time, it can easily take three hours to see seven houses. If you find one you want to immediately write an offer on, it could take another hour or so.
  • Don’t bring a triple Venti mocha frap with you on your buyer’s tours!
    • This may sound like an unusual tip; but you don’t want to be using everyone’s bathroom, especially if people still live in the house! Vacant houses are the best ones for pit stops, but because everyone knows that, they are also the most likely to have nothing in the way of toilet paper except a cardboard roll with a couple of spots of paper still stuck to the glue. You’ll thank me for this one!

Reach out with any questions, and we’d love to hear from you!